Праздники и торжества по всему миру
Сьерра-Леоне, Того, Южная Африка (Kвазулу), Сегодня Ваш национальный праздник! EDIT желает Вам всего наилучшего в этот знаменательный день.

полный календарь праздничных дней и нерабочих дней ведомств, банков и фондовых бирж, а также календари школьных каникул на следующие 3 месяца Thursday, август 19, 2024

понедельник 19 август, 2024linkИндия (Бихар)Банки остаются открытыми
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понедельник 19 август, 2024linkИспания (Андалузия)региональный общественный праздник
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понедельник 19 август, 2024linkВенесуэлла (Боливариа́нская Респу́блика)Вознесение
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понедельник 19 август, 2024linkИндия (Химачал Прадеш)Банки остаются открытыми
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понедельник 19 август, 2024linkИндия (Дели)Ракша Bandhan
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понедельник 19 август, 2024linkИндия (Бихар)Ракша Bandhan
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понедельник 19 август, 2024linkГренадарегиональный общественный праздник
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понедельник 19 август, 2024linkИндия (Джхаркханд)Ракша Bandhan
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понедельник 19 август, 2024linkВенгрияПраздничный день
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понедельник 19 август, 2024linkНепалРакша Bandhan / Nikini Poya ( Жанаи Пурнима )
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понедельник 19 август, 2024linkКолумбияУспение (перенесено на понедельник)
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понедельник 19 август, 2024linkКанада (территория Юкон)День открытия Америки – золотая лихорадка в Клондайке
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понедельник 19 август, 2024linkИспания (Каталония)региональный общественный праздник
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понедельник 19 август, 2024linkИндия (Мегхалая)Ракша Bandhan
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понедельник 19 август, 2024linkКазахстанДень пограничных
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понедельник 19 август, 2024linkИндия (Мадхья Прадеш)Ракша Bandhan
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понедельник 19 август, 2024linkИндия (Telangana)Банки остаются открытыми
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понедельник 19 август, 2024linkИндия (Хариана)Ракша Bandhan
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понедельник 19 август, 2024linkВьетнамДень Революции
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понедельник 19 август, 2024linkИндия (Чхаттисгарх)Ракша Bandhan
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понедельник 19 август, 2024linkФондовая биржа Пакистана Вознесение
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понедельник 19 август, 2024linkИндия (Андхра Прадеш)Ракша Bandhan
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понедельник 19 август, 2024linkКолумбийской фондовой биржеУспение (перенесено на понедельник)
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понедельник 19 август, 2024linkИндия (Раястхан)индусский фестиваль
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понедельник 19 август, 2024linkИндия (Чандернагор)факультативный праздник
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понедельник 19 август, 2024linkКоста-РикаВознесение
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понедельник 19 август, 2024linkИндия (Химачал Прадеш)индусский фестиваль
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понедельник 19 август, 2024linkИндия (Хариана)Банки остаются открытыми
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понедельник 19 август, 2024linkИндия (Западная Бенгалия)Ракша Bandhan / Nikini Poya (Жанаи Пурнима)
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понедельник 19 август, 2024linkИндия (Нагалэнд)Ракша Bandhan
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понедельник 19 август, 2024linkИндия (Химачал Прадеш)Ракша Bandhan / Nikini Poya (Жанаи Пурнима)
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понедельник 19 август, 2024linkИндия (Манипур)Ракша Bandhan
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понедельник 19 август, 2024linkШри-ЛанкаРакша Bandhan / Nikini Poya (Жанаи Пурнима)
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понедельник 19 август, 2024linkИндия (Ладакх)Ракша Bandhan
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понедельник 19 август, 2024linkИндия (Дадра И Нагархавели)Ракша Bandhan / Nikini Poya (Жанаи Пурнима)
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понедельник 19 август, 2024linkИндия (Химачал Прадеш)Ракша Bandhan
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понедельник 19 август, 2024linkШри-Ланка фондовая биржаРакша Bandhan / Nikini Poya (Жанаи Пурнима)
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понедельник 19 август, 2024linkИндия (Гуджарат)Ракша Bandhan
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понедельник 19 август, 2024linkМикронезия (Федеративные Штаты)региональный общественный праздник
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понедельник 19 август, 2024linkИндия (Даман И Диу)Ракша Bandhan
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понедельник 19 август, 2024linkИндия (Западная Бенгалия)Ракша Bandhan
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понедельник 19 август, 2024linkИндия (Чандернагор)Ракша Bandhan
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понедельник 19 август, 2024linkИндия (Юттараншал)Ракша Bandhan
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понедельник 19 август, 2024linkИндия (Ассам)Ракша Bandhan
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понедельник 19 август, 2024linkИндия (Уттар Прадеш)Ракша Bandhan
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понедельник 19 август, 2024linkИндия (Орисса)Фестиваль свинга
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понедельник 19 август, 2024linkИндия (Трипура)Ракша Bandhan
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понедельник 19 август, 2024linkИндия (Сикким)индусский фестиваль
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понедельник 19 август, 2024linkИндия (Telangana)Ракша Bandhan
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понедельник 19 август, 2024linkБудапештская фондовая биржаДень Основания
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понедельник 19 август, 2024linkИндия (Тамил Hаду)Ракша Bandhan
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понедельник 19 август, 2024linkКоста-Рика фондовой биржеВознесение
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понедельник 19 август, 2024linkИндия (Раястхан)Ракша Bandhan
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понедельник 19 август, 2024linkИндия (Чхаттисгарх)индусский фестиваль
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понедельник 19 август, 2024linkИндия (Пенджаб)Ракша Bandhan
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понедельник 19 август, 2024linkИндия (Пенджаб)Банки остаются открытыми
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понедельник 19 август, 2024linkИндия (Орисса)Ракша Bandhan
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понедельник 19 август, 2024linkИндия (Дели)Банки остаются открытыми
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понедельник 19 август, 2024linkФилиппиныПраздник Кезон
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Банки остаются открытыми - Индия (Бихар)

понедельник 19 август, 2024
только банки :

региональный общественный праздник - Испания (Андалузия)

понедельник 19 август, 2024
Светский праздник : Integration of Mбlaga in Castilla Mбlaga only

Вознесение - Венесуэлла (Боливариа́нская Респу́блика)

понедельник 19 август, 2024
только банки : The Assumption of the Blessed Virgin is the dogma so far defined by the Church. The definition was made by Pope Pius XII on 1st November 1950. The Pope proclaimed: We pronounce, declare and define it to be a divinely revealed dogma that the Immaculate Mother of God, the ever Virgin Mary, having completed the course of her earthly life was assumed body and soul into heavenly glory.

Банки остаются открытыми - Индия (Химачал Прадеш)

понедельник 19 август, 2024
только банки :

Ракша Bandhan - Индия (Дели)

понедельник 19 август, 2024
Индуизм : The annual festival of Raksha Bandhan, which is meant to commemorate the abiding ties between siblings of opposite sex, usually takes place in late August, and is marked by a very simple ceremony in which a woman ties a rakhi — which may be a colorful thread, a simple bracelet, or a decorative string — around the wrist of her brother(s). The word raksha signifies protection, and bandhan is an association signifying an enduring sort of bond; and so, when a woman ties a rakhi around the waist of her brother, she signifies her loving attachment to him. He, likewise, recognizes the special bonds between them, and by extending his wrist forward, he in fact extends the hand of his protection over her.

Ракша Bandhan - Индия (Бихар)

понедельник 19 август, 2024
Индуизм : The annual festival of Raksha Bandhan, which is meant to commemorate the abiding ties between siblings of opposite sex, usually takes place in late August, and is marked by a very simple ceremony in which a woman ties a rakhi — which may be a colorful thread, a simple bracelet, or a decorative string — around the wrist of her brother(s). The word raksha signifies protection, and bandhan is an association signifying an enduring sort of bond; and so, when a woman ties a rakhi around the waist of her brother, she signifies her loving attachment to him. He, likewise, recognizes the special bonds between them, and by extending his wrist forward, he in fact extends the hand of his protection over her.

региональный общественный праздник - Гренада

понедельник 19 август, 2024
Светский праздник : in St George only http://www.grenadagrenadines.com/cal.html

Ракша Bandhan - Индия (Джхаркханд)

понедельник 19 август, 2024
Индуизм : The annual festival of Raksha Bandhan, which is meant to commemorate the abiding ties between siblings of opposite sex, usually takes place in late August, and is marked by a very simple ceremony in which a woman ties a rakhi — which may be a colorful thread, a simple bracelet, or a decorative string — around the wrist of her brother(s). The word raksha signifies protection, and bandhan is an association signifying an enduring sort of bond; and so, when a woman ties a rakhi around the waist of her brother, she signifies her loving attachment to him. He, likewise, recognizes the special bonds between them, and by extending his wrist forward, he in fact extends the hand of his protection over her.

Праздничный день - Венгрия

понедельник 19 август, 2024
Светский праздник :

Ракша Bandhan / Nikini Poya ( Жанаи Пурнима ) - Непал

понедельник 19 август, 2024
Ѕуддизм (Махаяна) : Ежегодичный фестиваль Ракша Бандхан в честь отношений между противоположным полом обычно происходит в конце августа. Праздник отмечается простой церемонией женщин, зашивающих рубашку на груди у брата.Слово ракшa охначает защита, a бандхан -связь; женщина, которая шьт рубашку для своего брата - знаменование любви и защиты.

Успение (перенесено на понедельник) - Колумбия

понедельник 19 август, 2024
Католическая : The Assumption of the Blessed Virgin is the dogma so far defined by the Church. The definition was made by Pope Pius XII on 1st November 1950. The Pope proclaimed: "We pronounce, declare and define it to be a divinely revealed dogma that the Immaculate Mother of God, the ever Virgin Mary, having completed the course of her earthly life was assumed body and soul into heavenly glory."

День открытия Америки – золотая лихорадка в Клондайке - Канада (территория Юкон)

понедельник 19 август, 2024
Светский праздник : Только Юкон

региональный общественный праздник - Испания (Каталония)

понедельник 19 август, 2024
Светский праздник : Sant Magi Tarragona only

Ракша Bandhan - Индия (Мегхалая)

понедельник 19 август, 2024
Индуизм : The annual festival of Raksha Bandhan, which is meant to commemorate the abiding ties between siblings of opposite sex, usually takes place in late August, and is marked by a very simple ceremony in which a woman ties a rakhi — which may be a colorful thread, a simple bracelet, or a decorative string — around the wrist of her brother(s). The word raksha signifies protection, and bandhan is an association signifying an enduring sort of bond; and so, when a woman ties a rakhi around the waist of her brother, she signifies her loving attachment to him. He, likewise, recognizes the special bonds between them, and by extending his wrist forward, he in fact extends the hand of his protection over her.

День пограничных - Казахстан

понедельник 19 август, 2024
Культура : Each summer Kazakhstan sets up checkpoints along the Chinese border to prevent illegal harvesting of herbs on Kazakh territory.

Ракша Bandhan - Индия (Мадхья Прадеш)

понедельник 19 август, 2024
Индуизм : The annual festival of Raksha Bandhan, which is meant to commemorate the abiding ties between siblings of opposite sex, usually takes place in late August, and is marked by a very simple ceremony in which a woman ties a rakhi — which may be a colorful thread, a simple bracelet, or a decorative string — around the wrist of her brother(s). The word raksha signifies protection, and bandhan is an association signifying an enduring sort of bond; and so, when a woman ties a rakhi around the waist of her brother, she signifies her loving attachment to him. He, likewise, recognizes the special bonds between them, and by extending his wrist forward, he in fact extends the hand of his protection over her.

Банки остаются открытыми - Индия (Telangana)

понедельник 19 август, 2024
только банки :

Ракша Bandhan - Индия (Хариана)

понедельник 19 август, 2024
Индуизм : The annual festival of Raksha Bandhan, which is meant to commemorate the abiding ties between siblings of opposite sex, usually takes place in late August, and is marked by a very simple ceremony in which a woman ties a rakhi — which may be a colorful thread, a simple bracelet, or a decorative string — around the wrist of her brother(s). The word raksha signifies protection, and bandhan is an association signifying an enduring sort of bond; and so, when a woman ties a rakhi around the waist of her brother, she signifies her loving attachment to him. He, likewise, recognizes the special bonds between them, and by extending his wrist forward, he in fact extends the hand of his protection over her.
На главную

День Революции - Вьетнам

понедельник 19 август, 2024
Культура : On August 19, 1945, the Việt Minh under Hồ Chн Minh began rebellion against French colonial rule in Vietnam. [Wikipedia]

Ракша Bandhan - Индия (Чхаттисгарх)

понедельник 19 август, 2024
Индуизм : The annual festival of Raksha Bandhan, which is meant to commemorate the abiding ties between siblings of opposite sex, usually takes place in late August, and is marked by a very simple ceremony in which a woman ties a rakhi — which may be a colorful thread, a simple bracelet, or a decorative string — around the wrist of her brother(s). The word raksha signifies protection, and bandhan is an association signifying an enduring sort of bond; and so, when a woman ties a rakhi around the waist of her brother, she signifies her loving attachment to him. He, likewise, recognizes the special bonds between them, and by extending his wrist forward, he in fact extends the hand of his protection over her.
На главную

Вознесение - Фондовая биржа Пакистана

понедельник 19 август, 2024
финансовые учреждения :

Ракша Bandhan - Индия (Андхра Прадеш)

понедельник 19 август, 2024
Индуизм : The annual festival of Raksha Bandhan, which is meant to commemorate the abiding ties between siblings of opposite sex, usually takes place in late August, and is marked by a very simple ceremony in which a woman ties a rakhi — which may be a colorful thread, a simple bracelet, or a decorative string — around the wrist of her brother(s). The word raksha signifies protection, and bandhan is an association signifying an enduring sort of bond; and so, when a woman ties a rakhi around the waist of her brother, she signifies her loving attachment to him. He, likewise, recognizes the special bonds between them, and by extending his wrist forward, he in fact extends the hand of his protection over her.
На главную

Успение (перенесено на понедельник) - Колумбийской фондовой бирже

понедельник 19 август, 2024
финансовые учреждения :

индусский фестиваль - Индия (Раястхан)

понедельник 19 август, 2024
Индуизм : The annual festival of Raksha Bandhan, which is meant to commemorate the abiding ties between siblings of opposite sex, usually takes place in late August, and is marked by a very simple ceremony in which a woman ties a rakhi — which may be a colorful thread, a simple bracelet, or a decorative string — around the wrist of her brother(s). The word raksha signifies protection, and bandhan is an association signifying an enduring sort of bond; and so, when a woman ties a rakhi around the waist of her brother, she signifies her loving attachment to him. He, likewise, recognizes the special bonds between them, and by extending his wrist forward, he in fact extends the hand of his protection over her.

факультативный праздник - Индия (Чандернагор)

понедельник 19 август, 2024
Индуизм : Raksha Bandhan

Вознесение - Коста-Рика

понедельник 19 август, 2024
Католическая : as of 2020, the date varies (should always fall on a Monday)

индусский фестиваль - Индия (Химачал Прадеш)

понедельник 19 август, 2024
Культура : The annual festival of Raksha Bandhan, which is meant to commemorate the abiding ties between siblings of opposite sex, usually takes place in late August, and is marked by a very simple ceremony in which a woman ties a rakhi — which may be a colorful thread, a simple bracelet, or a decorative string — around the wrist of her brother(s). The word raksha signifies protection, and bandhan is an association signifying an enduring sort of bond; and so, when a woman ties a rakhi around the waist of her brother, she signifies her loving attachment to him. He, likewise, recognizes the special bonds between them, and by extending his wrist forward, he in fact extends the hand of his protection over her. a holiday for women only

Банки остаются открытыми - Индия (Хариана)

понедельник 19 август, 2024
только банки :

Ракша Bandhan / Nikini Poya (Жанаи Пурнима) - Индия (Западная Бенгалия)

понедельник 19 август, 2024
Индуизм : The annual festival of Raksha Bandhan, which is meant to commemorate the abiding ties between siblings of opposite sex, usually takes place in late August, and is marked by a very simple ceremony in which a woman ties a rakhi — which may be a colorful thread, a simple bracelet, or a decorative string — around the wrist of her brother(s). The word raksha signifies protection, and bandhan is an association signifying an enduring sort of bond; and so, when a woman ties a rakhi around the waist of her brother, she signifies her loving attachment to him. He, likewise, recognizes the special bonds between them, and by extending his wrist forward, he in fact extends the hand of his protection over her.

Ракша Bandhan - Индия (Нагалэнд)

понедельник 19 август, 2024
Индуизм : The annual festival of Raksha Bandhan, which is meant to commemorate the abiding ties between siblings of opposite sex, usually takes place in late August, and is marked by a very simple ceremony in which a woman ties a rakhi — which may be a colorful thread, a simple bracelet, or a decorative string — around the wrist of her brother(s). The word raksha signifies protection, and bandhan is an association signifying an enduring sort of bond; and so, when a woman ties a rakhi around the waist of her brother, she signifies her loving attachment to him. He, likewise, recognizes the special bonds between them, and by extending his wrist forward, he in fact extends the hand of his protection over her.

Ракша Bandhan / Nikini Poya (Жанаи Пурнима) - Индия (Химачал Прадеш)

понедельник 19 август, 2024
Индуизм : The annual festival of Raksha Bandhan, which is meant to commemorate the abiding ties between siblings of opposite sex, usually takes place in late August, and is marked by a very simple ceremony in which a woman ties a rakhi — which may be a colorful thread, a simple bracelet, or a decorative string — around the wrist of her brother(s). The word raksha signifies protection, and bandhan is an association signifying an enduring sort of bond; and so, when a woman ties a rakhi around the waist of her brother, she signifies her loving attachment to him. He, likewise, recognizes the special bonds between them, and by extending his wrist forward, he in fact extends the hand of his protection over her.

Ракша Bandhan - Индия (Манипур)

понедельник 19 август, 2024
Индуизм : The annual festival of Raksha Bandhan, which is meant to commemorate the abiding ties between siblings of opposite sex, usually takes place in late August, and is marked by a very simple ceremony in which a woman ties a rakhi — which may be a colorful thread, a simple bracelet, or a decorative string — around the wrist of her brother(s). The word raksha signifies protection, and bandhan is an association signifying an enduring sort of bond; and so, when a woman ties a rakhi around the waist of her brother, she signifies her loving attachment to him. He, likewise, recognizes the special bonds between them, and by extending his wrist forward, he in fact extends the hand of his protection over her.

Ракша Bandhan / Nikini Poya (Жанаи Пурнима) - Шри-Ланка

понедельник 19 август, 2024
Индуизм : The annual festival of Raksha Bandhan, which is meant to commemorate the abiding ties between siblings of opposite sex, usually takes place in late August, and is marked by a very simple ceremony in which a woman ties a rakhi — which may be a colorful thread, a simple bracelet, or a decorative string — around the wrist of her brother(s). The word raksha signifies protection, and bandhan is an association signifying an enduring sort of bond; and so, when a woman ties a rakhi around the waist of her brother, she signifies her loving attachment to him. He, likewise, recognizes the special bonds between them, and by extending his wrist forward, he in fact extends the hand of his protection over her.

Ракша Bandhan - Индия (Ладакх)

понедельник 19 август, 2024
Индуизм : The annual festival of Raksha Bandhan, which is meant to commemorate the abiding ties between siblings of opposite sex, usually takes place in late August, and is marked by a very simple ceremony in which a woman ties a rakhi — which may be a colorful thread, a simple bracelet, or a decorative string — around the wrist of her brother(s). The word raksha signifies protection, and bandhan is an association signifying an enduring sort of bond; and so, when a woman ties a rakhi around the waist of her brother, she signifies her loving attachment to him. He, likewise, recognizes the special bonds between them, and by extending his wrist forward, he in fact extends the hand of his protection over her.

Ракша Bandhan / Nikini Poya (Жанаи Пурнима) - Индия (Дадра И Нагархавели)

понедельник 19 август, 2024
Индуизм : The annual festival of Raksha Bandhan, which is meant to commemorate the abiding ties between siblings of opposite sex, usually takes place in late August, and is marked by a very simple ceremony in which a woman ties a rakhi — which may be a colorful thread, a simple bracelet, or a decorative string — around the wrist of her brother(s). The word raksha signifies protection, and bandhan is an association signifying an enduring sort of bond; and so, when a woman ties a rakhi around the waist of her brother, she signifies her loving attachment to him. He, likewise, recognizes the special bonds between them, and by extending his wrist forward, he in fact extends the hand of his protection over her.

Ракша Bandhan - Индия (Химачал Прадеш)

понедельник 19 август, 2024
Индуизм : The annual festival of Raksha Bandhan, which is meant to commemorate the abiding ties between siblings of opposite sex, usually takes place in late August, and is marked by a very simple ceremony in which a woman ties a rakhi — which may be a colorful thread, a simple bracelet, or a decorative string — around the wrist of her brother(s). The word raksha signifies protection, and bandhan is an association signifying an enduring sort of bond; and so, when a woman ties a rakhi around the waist of her brother, she signifies her loving attachment to him. He, likewise, recognizes the special bonds between them, and by extending his wrist forward, he in fact extends the hand of his protection over her.
На главную

Ракша Bandhan / Nikini Poya (Жанаи Пурнима) - Шри-Ланка фондовая биржа

понедельник 19 август, 2024
финансовые учреждения :

Ракша Bandhan - Индия (Гуджарат)

понедельник 19 август, 2024
Индуизм : The annual festival of Raksha Bandhan, which is meant to commemorate the abiding ties between siblings of opposite sex, usually takes place in late August, and is marked by a very simple ceremony in which a woman ties a rakhi — which may be a colorful thread, a simple bracelet, or a decorative string — around the wrist of her brother(s). The word raksha signifies protection, and bandhan is an association signifying an enduring sort of bond; and so, when a woman ties a rakhi around the waist of her brother, she signifies her loving attachment to him. He, likewise, recognizes the special bonds between them, and by extending his wrist forward, he in fact extends the hand of his protection over her.
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региональный общественный праздник - Микронезия (Федеративные Штаты)

понедельник 19 август, 2024
Светский праздник : Kosrae Gospel Day

Ракша Bandhan - Индия (Даман И Диу)

понедельник 19 август, 2024
Индуизм : The annual festival of Raksha Bandhan, which is meant to commemorate the abiding ties between siblings of opposite sex, usually takes place in late August, and is marked by a very simple ceremony in which a woman ties a rakhi — which may be a colorful thread, a simple bracelet, or a decorative string — around the wrist of her brother(s). The word raksha signifies protection, and bandhan is an association signifying an enduring sort of bond; and so, when a woman ties a rakhi around the waist of her brother, she signifies her loving attachment to him. He, likewise, recognizes the special bonds between them, and by extending his wrist forward, he in fact extends the hand of his protection over her.

Ракша Bandhan - Индия (Западная Бенгалия)

понедельник 19 август, 2024
Индуизм : The annual festival of Raksha Bandhan, which is meant to commemorate the abiding ties between siblings of opposite sex, usually takes place in late August, and is marked by a very simple ceremony in which a woman ties a rakhi — which may be a colorful thread, a simple bracelet, or a decorative string — around the wrist of her brother(s). The word raksha signifies protection, and bandhan is an association signifying an enduring sort of bond; and so, when a woman ties a rakhi around the waist of her brother, she signifies her loving attachment to him. He, likewise, recognizes the special bonds between them, and by extending his wrist forward, he in fact extends the hand of his protection over her.

Ракша Bandhan - Индия (Чандернагор)

понедельник 19 август, 2024
Индуизм : The annual festival of Raksha Bandhan, which is meant to commemorate the abiding ties between siblings of opposite sex, usually takes place in late August, and is marked by a very simple ceremony in which a woman ties a rakhi — which may be a colorful thread, a simple bracelet, or a decorative string — around the wrist of her brother(s). The word raksha signifies protection, and bandhan is an association signifying an enduring sort of bond; and so, when a woman ties a rakhi around the waist of her brother, she signifies her loving attachment to him. He, likewise, recognizes the special bonds between them, and by extending his wrist forward, he in fact extends the hand of his protection over her.

Ракша Bandhan - Индия (Юттараншал)

понедельник 19 август, 2024
Индуизм : The annual festival of Raksha Bandhan, which is meant to commemorate the abiding ties between siblings of opposite sex, usually takes place in late August, and is marked by a very simple ceremony in which a woman ties a rakhi — which may be a colorful thread, a simple bracelet, or a decorative string — around the wrist of her brother(s). The word raksha signifies protection, and bandhan is an association signifying an enduring sort of bond; and so, when a woman ties a rakhi around the waist of her brother, she signifies her loving attachment to him. He, likewise, recognizes the special bonds between them, and by extending his wrist forward, he in fact extends the hand of his protection over her.

Ракша Bandhan - Индия (Ассам)

понедельник 19 август, 2024
Индуизм : The annual festival of Raksha Bandhan, which is meant to commemorate the abiding ties between siblings of opposite sex, usually takes place in late August, and is marked by a very simple ceremony in which a woman ties a rakhi — which may be a colorful thread, a simple bracelet, or a decorative string — around the wrist of her brother(s). The word raksha signifies protection, and bandhan is an association signifying an enduring sort of bond; and so, when a woman ties a rakhi around the waist of her brother, she signifies her loving attachment to him. He, likewise, recognizes the special bonds between them, and by extending his wrist forward, he in fact extends the hand of his protection over her.

Ракша Bandhan - Индия (Уттар Прадеш)

понедельник 19 август, 2024
Индуизм : The annual festival of Raksha Bandhan, which is meant to commemorate the abiding ties between siblings of opposite sex, usually takes place in late August, and is marked by a very simple ceremony in which a woman ties a rakhi — which may be a colorful thread, a simple bracelet, or a decorative string — around the wrist of her brother(s). The word raksha signifies protection, and bandhan is an association signifying an enduring sort of bond; and so, when a woman ties a rakhi around the waist of her brother, she signifies her loving attachment to him. He, likewise, recognizes the special bonds between them, and by extending his wrist forward, he in fact extends the hand of his protection over her.

Фестиваль свинга - Индия (Орисса)

понедельник 19 август, 2024
Индуизм : Джулан Пурнима: Все преданные терпеливо ждут в очереди, чтобы передать Их Светлостям. Качели (джхулана), украшенные великолепными цветочными украшениями, яркими бусинами и т. д. Для натяжения качелей используется специальная цветочная веревка. После того, как Шри Шри Радха-Мадхава сядет на качели, совершается аротик, и преданные приносят разнообразную бхогу, чтобы доставить удовольствие Их Светлостям. Киртан и бхаджаны продолжаются почти два часа, и многие посетители присоединяются, чтобы покачать Его Светлость.

Ракша Bandhan - Индия (Трипура)

понедельник 19 август, 2024
Индуизм : The annual festival of Raksha Bandhan, which is meant to commemorate the abiding ties between siblings of opposite sex, usually takes place in late August, and is marked by a very simple ceremony in which a woman ties a rakhi — which may be a colorful thread, a simple bracelet, or a decorative string — around the wrist of her brother(s). The word raksha signifies protection, and bandhan is an association signifying an enduring sort of bond; and so, when a woman ties a rakhi around the waist of her brother, she signifies her loving attachment to him. He, likewise, recognizes the special bonds between them, and by extending his wrist forward, he in fact extends the hand of his protection over her.

индусский фестиваль - Индия (Сикким)

понедельник 19 август, 2024
Индуизм : The annual festival of Raksha Bandhan, which is meant to commemorate the abiding ties between siblings of opposite sex, usually takes place in late August, and is marked by a very simple ceremony in which a woman ties a rakhi — which may be a colorful thread, a simple bracelet, or a decorative string — around the wrist of her brother(s). The word raksha signifies protection, and bandhan is an association signifying an enduring sort of bond; and so, when a woman ties a rakhi around the waist of her brother, she signifies her loving attachment to him. He, likewise, recognizes the special bonds between them, and by extending his wrist forward, he in fact extends the hand of his protection over her.

Ракша Bandhan - Индия (Telangana)

понедельник 19 август, 2024
Индуизм : The annual festival of Raksha Bandhan, which is meant to commemorate the abiding ties between siblings of opposite sex, usually takes place in late August, and is marked by a very simple ceremony in which a woman ties a rakhi — which may be a colorful thread, a simple bracelet, or a decorative string — around the wrist of her brother(s). The word raksha signifies protection, and bandhan is an association signifying an enduring sort of bond; and so, when a woman ties a rakhi around the waist of her brother, she signifies her loving attachment to him. He, likewise, recognizes the special bonds between them, and by extending his wrist forward, he in fact extends the hand of his protection over her.
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День Основания - Будапештская фондовая биржа

понедельник 19 август, 2024
финансовые учреждения :

Ракша Bandhan - Индия (Тамил Hаду)

понедельник 19 август, 2024
Индуизм : The annual festival of Raksha Bandhan, which is meant to commemorate the abiding ties between siblings of opposite sex, usually takes place in late August, and is marked by a very simple ceremony in which a woman ties a rakhi — which may be a colorful thread, a simple bracelet, or a decorative string — around the wrist of her brother(s). The word raksha signifies protection, and bandhan is an association signifying an enduring sort of bond; and so, when a woman ties a rakhi around the waist of her brother, she signifies her loving attachment to him. He, likewise, recognizes the special bonds between them, and by extending his wrist forward, he in fact extends the hand of his protection over her.
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Вознесение - Коста-Рика фондовой бирже

понедельник 19 август, 2024
финансовые учреждения :

Ракша Bandhan - Индия (Раястхан)

понедельник 19 август, 2024
Индуизм : The annual festival of Raksha Bandhan, which is meant to commemorate the abiding ties between siblings of opposite sex, usually takes place in late August, and is marked by a very simple ceremony in which a woman ties a rakhi — which may be a colorful thread, a simple bracelet, or a decorative string — around the wrist of her brother(s). The word raksha signifies protection, and bandhan is an association signifying an enduring sort of bond; and so, when a woman ties a rakhi around the waist of her brother, she signifies her loving attachment to him. He, likewise, recognizes the special bonds between them, and by extending his wrist forward, he in fact extends the hand of his protection over her.

индусский фестиваль - Индия (Чхаттисгарх)

понедельник 19 август, 2024
Индуизм : The annual festival of Raksha Bandhan, which is meant to commemorate the abiding ties between siblings of opposite sex, usually takes place in late August, and is marked by a very simple ceremony in which a woman ties a rakhi — which may be a colorful thread, a simple bracelet, or a decorative string — around the wrist of her brother(s). The word raksha signifies protection, and bandhan is an association signifying an enduring sort of bond; and so, when a woman ties a rakhi around the waist of her brother, she signifies her loving attachment to him. He, likewise, recognizes the special bonds between them, and by extending his wrist forward, he in fact extends the hand of his protection over her.

Ракша Bandhan - Индия (Пенджаб)

понедельник 19 август, 2024
Индуизм : The annual festival of Raksha Bandhan, which is meant to commemorate the abiding ties between siblings of opposite sex, usually takes place in late August, and is marked by a very simple ceremony in which a woman ties a rakhi — which may be a colorful thread, a simple bracelet, or a decorative string — around the wrist of her brother(s). The word raksha signifies protection, and bandhan is an association signifying an enduring sort of bond; and so, when a woman ties a rakhi around the waist of her brother, she signifies her loving attachment to him. He, likewise, recognizes the special bonds between them, and by extending his wrist forward, he in fact extends the hand of his protection over her.

Банки остаются открытыми - Индия (Пенджаб)

понедельник 19 август, 2024
только банки :

Ракша Bandhan - Индия (Орисса)

понедельник 19 август, 2024
Индуизм : The annual festival of Raksha Bandhan, which is meant to commemorate the abiding ties between siblings of opposite sex, usually takes place in late August, and is marked by a very simple ceremony in which a woman ties a rakhi — which may be a colorful thread, a simple bracelet, or a decorative string — around the wrist of her brother(s). The word raksha signifies protection, and bandhan is an association signifying an enduring sort of bond; and so, when a woman ties a rakhi around the waist of her brother, she signifies her loving attachment to him. He, likewise, recognizes the special bonds between them, and by extending his wrist forward, he in fact extends the hand of his protection over her.

Банки остаются открытыми - Индия (Дели)

понедельник 19 август, 2024
только банки :

Праздник Кезон - Филиппины

понедельник 19 август, 2024
Светский праздник : Quezon City only