Праздники и торжества по всему миру

полный календарь праздничных дней и нерабочих дней ведомств, банков и фондовых бирж, а также календари школьных каникул на следующие 3 месяца Thursday, август 17, 2024

суббота 17 август, 2024linkАргентина (Сальта)шаг к бессмертию генерала Сан Мартина
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суббота 17 август, 2024linkАргентина (Сан Луис)шаг к бессмертию генерала Сан Мартина
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суббота 17 август, 2024linkАргентина (Мендоса)шаг к бессмертию генерала Сан Мартина
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суббота 17 август, 2024linkАргентина (Ньюкен)шаг к бессмертию генерала Сан Мартина
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суббота 17 август, 2024linkАргентина (Буэнос Айрес)шаг к бессмертию генерала Сан Мартина
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суббота 17 август, 2024linkАргентина (Ла Пампа)шаг к бессмертию генерала Сан Мартина
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суббота 17 август, 2024linkФинляндияПааво Нурми марафонr
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суббота 17 август, 2024linkИндонезияДень независимости
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суббота 17 август, 2024linkИспанияВуэльта Espaсar
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суббота 17 август, 2024linkИспания (Андалузия)Вуэльта Espaсar
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суббота 17 август, 2024linkНорвегияКинофестиваль в Хаугезундеr
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суббота 17 август, 2024linkФилиппинырегиональный общественный праздник
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суббота 17 август, 2024linkИндонезия (Бали)День независимости
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суббота 17 август, 2024linkАргентина (Санта Фе)шаг к бессмертию генерала Сан Мартина
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суббота 17 август, 2024linkФранцузская ГвианаВелосипедная гонка
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суббота 17 август, 2024linkАргентина (San M. Тукуман)шаг к бессмертию генерала Сан Мартина
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суббота 17 август, 2024linkБоливияДень флага
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суббота 17 август, 2024linkАргентина (Формоса)шаг к бессмертию генерала Сан Мартина
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суббота 17 август, 2024linkАргентинашаг к бессмертию генерала Сан Мартина
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суббота 17 август, 2024linkАргентина (Жужуй)шаг к бессмертию генерала Сан Мартина
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суббота 17 август, 2024linkАргентина (Буэнос Айрес)шаг к бессмертию генерала Сан Мартина
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суббота 17 август, 2024linkАргентина (Ла Риоха)шаг к бессмертию генерала Сан Мартина
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суббота 17 август, 2024linkАргентина (Катамарка)шаг к бессмертию генерала Сан Мартина
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суббота 17 август, 2024linkАргентина (Мисионес)шаг к бессмертию генерала Сан Мартина
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суббота 17 август, 2024linkАргентина (Кордоба)шаг к бессмертию генерала Сан Мартина
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суббота 17 август, 2024linkАргентина (Рио Негро)шаг к бессмертию генерала Сан Мартина
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суббота 17 август, 2024linkАргентина (Корриэнтес)шаг к бессмертию генерала Сан Мартина
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суббота 17 август, 2024linkАргентина (Сан Хуан)шаг к бессмертию генерала Сан Мартина
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суббота 17 август, 2024linkАргентина (Чако)шаг к бессмертию генерала Сан Мартина
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суббота 17 август, 2024linkАргентина (Санта Круз)шаг к бессмертию генерала Сан Мартина
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суббота 17 август, 2024linkАргентина (Чубут)шаг к бессмертию генерала Сан Мартина
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суббота 17 август, 2024linkАргентина (Сантьяго дель Эстеро)шаг к бессмертию генерала Сан Мартина
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суббота 17 август, 2024linkАргентина (Антр Риос)шаг к бессмертию генерала Сан Мартина
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суббота 17 август, 2024linkАргентина (Тьерра дель Фуэго)шаг к бессмертию генерала Сан Мартина
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суббота 17 август, 2024linkГабонДень независимости
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шаг к бессмертию генерала Сан Мартина - Аргентина (Сальта)

суббота 17 август, 2024
Светский праздник : Josй Francisco de San Martнn y Matorras (Yapeyъ, Viceroyalty of the Rio de la Plata, 25 February 1778 – Boulogne-sur-Mer, France, 17 August 1850), known simply as Josй de San Martнn or El Libertador of Argentina, Chile and Peru, was a Spanish-Argentine general and the prime leader of the southern and central parts of South America's successful struggle for independence from the Spanish Empire who served as the Protector of Peru. Born in Yapeyъ, Corrientes, in modern-day Argentina, he left his mother country at the early age of seven to study in Mбlaga, Spain.

шаг к бессмертию генерала Сан Мартина - Аргентина (Сан Луис)

суббота 17 август, 2024
Светский праздник : Josй Francisco de San Martнn y Matorras (Yapeyъ, Viceroyalty of the Rio de la Plata, 25 February 1778 – Boulogne-sur-Mer, France, 17 August 1850), known simply as Josй de San Martнn or El Libertador of Argentina, Chile and Peru, was a Spanish-Argentine general and the prime leader of the southern and central parts of South America's successful struggle for independence from the Spanish Empire who served as the Protector of Peru. Born in Yapeyъ, Corrientes, in modern-day Argentina, he left his mother country at the early age of seven to study in Mбlaga, Spain.

шаг к бессмертию генерала Сан Мартина - Аргентина (Мендоса)

суббота 17 август, 2024
Светский праздник : Josй Francisco de San Martнn y Matorras (Yapeyъ, Viceroyalty of the Rio de la Plata, 25 February 1778 – Boulogne-sur-Mer, France, 17 August 1850), known simply as Josй de San Martнn or El Libertador of Argentina, Chile and Peru, was a Spanish-Argentine general and the prime leader of the southern and central parts of South America's successful struggle for independence from the Spanish Empire who served as the Protector of Peru. Born in Yapeyъ, Corrientes, in modern-day Argentina, he left his mother country at the early age of seven to study in Mбlaga, Spain.

шаг к бессмертию генерала Сан Мартина - Аргентина (Ньюкен)

суббота 17 август, 2024
Светский праздник : Josй Francisco de San Martнn y Matorras (Yapeyъ, Viceroyalty of the Rio de la Plata, 25 February 1778 – Boulogne-sur-Mer, France, 17 August 1850), known simply as Josй de San Martнn or El Libertador of Argentina, Chile and Peru, was a Spanish-Argentine general and the prime leader of the southern and central parts of South America's successful struggle for independence from the Spanish Empire who served as the Protector of Peru. Born in Yapeyъ, Corrientes, in modern-day Argentina, he left his mother country at the early age of seven to study in Mбlaga, Spain.

шаг к бессмертию генерала Сан Мартина - Аргентина (Буэнос Айрес)

суббота 17 август, 2024
Светский праздник : Josй Francisco de San Martнn y Matorras (Yapeyъ, Viceroyalty of the Rio de la Plata, 25 February 1778 – Boulogne-sur-Mer, France, 17 August 1850), known simply as Josй de San Martнn or El Libertador of Argentina, Chile and Peru, was a Spanish-Argentine general and the prime leader of the southern and central parts of South America's successful struggle for independence from the Spanish Empire who served as the Protector of Peru. Born in Yapeyъ, Corrientes, in modern-day Argentina, he left his mother country at the early age of seven to study in Mбlaga, Spain.

шаг к бессмертию генерала Сан Мартина - Аргентина (Ла Пампа)

суббота 17 август, 2024
Светский праздник : Josй Francisco de San Martнn y Matorras (Yapeyъ, Viceroyalty of the Rio de la Plata, 25 February 1778 – Boulogne-sur-Mer, France, 17 August 1850), known simply as Josй de San Martнn or El Libertador of Argentina, Chile and Peru, was a Spanish-Argentine general and the prime leader of the southern and central parts of South America's successful struggle for independence from the Spanish Empire who served as the Protector of Peru. Born in Yapeyъ, Corrientes, in modern-day Argentina, he left his mother country at the early age of seven to study in Mбlaga, Spain.

Пааво Нурми марафонr - Финляндия

суббота 17 август, 2024
спортивный : Http://paavonurmimarathon.fi/ 2024 edition confirmed

День независимости - Индонезия

суббота 17 август, 2024
Светский праздник : независимость дарованная Нидерландами в 1945 году.

Вуэльта Espaсar - Испания

суббота 17 август, 2024
спортивный : Https://www.lavuelta.es/fr/ cycling race - lasts 2 weeks 2024 edition confirmed

Вуэльта Espaсar - Испания (Андалузия)

суббота 17 август, 2024
спортивный : Https://www.lavuelta.es/fr/ cycling race - lasts 2 weeks 2024 edition confirmed

Кинофестиваль в Хаугезундеr - Норвегия

суббота 17 август, 2024
Культура : Www.filmfestivalen.no lasts 1 week - in Oslo 2024 edition CONFIRMED

региональный общественный праздник - Филиппины

суббота 17 август, 2024
Светский праздник : Kadayawan Day - tribute to good harvest in Davao City only

День независимости - Индонезия (Бали)

суббота 17 август, 2024
Светский праздник : независимость дарованная Нидерландами в 1945 году.

шаг к бессмертию генерала Сан Мартина - Аргентина (Санта Фе)

суббота 17 август, 2024
Светский праздник : Josй Francisco de San Martнn y Matorras (Yapeyъ, Viceroyalty of the Rio de la Plata, 25 February 1778 – Boulogne-sur-Mer, France, 17 August 1850), known simply as Josй de San Martнn or El Libertador of Argentina, Chile and Peru, was a Spanish-Argentine general and the prime leader of the southern and central parts of South America's successful struggle for independence from the Spanish Empire who served as the Protector of Peru. Born in Yapeyъ, Corrientes, in modern-day Argentina, he left his mother country at the early age of seven to study in Mбlaga, Spain.
На главную

Велосипедная гонка - Французская Гвиана

суббота 17 август, 2024
спортивный : Lasts 1 week www.guyane-cyclisme.com bicycle race 2024 edition confirmed

шаг к бессмертию генерала Сан Мартина - Аргентина (San M. Тукуман)

суббота 17 август, 2024
Светский праздник : Josй Francisco de San Martнn y Matorras (Yapeyъ, Viceroyalty of the Rio de la Plata, 25 February 1778 – Boulogne-sur-Mer, France, 17 August 1850), known simply as Josй de San Martнn or El Libertador of Argentina, Chile and Peru, was a Spanish-Argentine general and the prime leader of the southern and central parts of South America's successful struggle for independence from the Spanish Empire who served as the Protector of Peru. Born in Yapeyъ, Corrientes, in modern-day Argentina, he left his mother country at the early age of seven to study in Mбlaga, Spain.

День флага - Боливия

суббота 17 август, 2024
Культура :

шаг к бессмертию генерала Сан Мартина - Аргентина (Формоса)

суббота 17 август, 2024
Светский праздник : Josй Francisco de San Martнn y Matorras (Yapeyъ, Viceroyalty of the Rio de la Plata, 25 February 1778 – Boulogne-sur-Mer, France, 17 August 1850), known simply as Josй de San Martнn or El Libertador of Argentina, Chile and Peru, was a Spanish-Argentine general and the prime leader of the southern and central parts of South America's successful struggle for independence from the Spanish Empire who served as the Protector of Peru. Born in Yapeyъ, Corrientes, in modern-day Argentina, he left his mother country at the early age of seven to study in Mбlaga, Spain.

шаг к бессмертию генерала Сан Мартина - Аргентина

суббота 17 август, 2024
Светский праздник : Josй Francisco de San Martнn y Matorras (Yapeyъ, Viceroyalty of the Rio de la Plata, 25 February 1778 – Boulogne-sur-Mer, France, 17 August 1850), known simply as Josй de San Martнn or El Libertador of Argentina, Chile and Peru, was a Spanish-Argentine general and the prime leader of the southern and central parts of South America's successful struggle for independence from the Spanish Empire who served as the Protector of Peru. Born in Yapeyъ, Corrientes, in modern-day Argentina, he left his mother country at the early age of seven to study in Mбlaga, Spain.

шаг к бессмертию генерала Сан Мартина - Аргентина (Жужуй)

суббота 17 август, 2024
Светский праздник : Josй Francisco de San Martнn y Matorras (Yapeyъ, Viceroyalty of the Rio de la Plata, 25 February 1778 – Boulogne-sur-Mer, France, 17 August 1850), known simply as Josй de San Martнn or El Libertador of Argentina, Chile and Peru, was a Spanish-Argentine general and the prime leader of the southern and central parts of South America's successful struggle for independence from the Spanish Empire who served as the Protector of Peru. Born in Yapeyъ, Corrientes, in modern-day Argentina, he left his mother country at the early age of seven to study in Mбlaga, Spain.

шаг к бессмертию генерала Сан Мартина - Аргентина (Буэнос Айрес)

суббота 17 август, 2024
Светский праздник : Josй Francisco de San Martнn y Matorras (Yapeyъ, Viceroyalty of the Rio de la Plata, 25 February 1778 – Boulogne-sur-Mer, France, 17 August 1850), known simply as Josй de San Martнn or El Libertador of Argentina, Chile and Peru, was a Spanish-Argentine general and the prime leader of the southern and central parts of South America's successful struggle for independence from the Spanish Empire who served as the Protector of Peru. Born in Yapeyъ, Corrientes, in modern-day Argentina, he left his mother country at the early age of seven to study in Mбlaga, Spain.

шаг к бессмертию генерала Сан Мартина - Аргентина (Ла Риоха)

суббота 17 август, 2024
Светский праздник : Josй Francisco de San Martнn y Matorras (Yapeyъ, Viceroyalty of the Rio de la Plata, 25 February 1778 – Boulogne-sur-Mer, France, 17 August 1850), known simply as Josй de San Martнn or El Libertador of Argentina, Chile and Peru, was a Spanish-Argentine general and the prime leader of the southern and central parts of South America's successful struggle for independence from the Spanish Empire who served as the Protector of Peru. Born in Yapeyъ, Corrientes, in modern-day Argentina, he left his mother country at the early age of seven to study in Mбlaga, Spain.

шаг к бессмертию генерала Сан Мартина - Аргентина (Катамарка)

суббота 17 август, 2024
Светский праздник : Josй Francisco de San Martнn y Matorras (Yapeyъ, Viceroyalty of the Rio de la Plata, 25 February 1778 – Boulogne-sur-Mer, France, 17 August 1850), known simply as Josй de San Martнn or El Libertador of Argentina, Chile and Peru, was a Spanish-Argentine general and the prime leader of the southern and central parts of South America's successful struggle for independence from the Spanish Empire who served as the Protector of Peru. Born in Yapeyъ, Corrientes, in modern-day Argentina, he left his mother country at the early age of seven to study in Mбlaga, Spain.

шаг к бессмертию генерала Сан Мартина - Аргентина (Мисионес)

суббота 17 август, 2024
Светский праздник : Josй Francisco de San Martнn y Matorras (Yapeyъ, Viceroyalty of the Rio de la Plata, 25 February 1778 – Boulogne-sur-Mer, France, 17 August 1850), known simply as Josй de San Martнn or El Libertador of Argentina, Chile and Peru, was a Spanish-Argentine general and the prime leader of the southern and central parts of South America's successful struggle for independence from the Spanish Empire who served as the Protector of Peru. Born in Yapeyъ, Corrientes, in modern-day Argentina, he left his mother country at the early age of seven to study in Mбlaga, Spain.

шаг к бессмертию генерала Сан Мартина - Аргентина (Кордоба)

суббота 17 август, 2024
Светский праздник : Josй Francisco de San Martнn y Matorras (Yapeyъ, Viceroyalty of the Rio de la Plata, 25 February 1778 – Boulogne-sur-Mer, France, 17 August 1850), known simply as Josй de San Martнn or El Libertador of Argentina, Chile and Peru, was a Spanish-Argentine general and the prime leader of the southern and central parts of South America's successful struggle for independence from the Spanish Empire who served as the Protector of Peru. Born in Yapeyъ, Corrientes, in modern-day Argentina, he left his mother country at the early age of seven to study in Mбlaga, Spain.

шаг к бессмертию генерала Сан Мартина - Аргентина (Рио Негро)

суббота 17 август, 2024
Светский праздник : Josй Francisco de San Martнn y Matorras (Yapeyъ, Viceroyalty of the Rio de la Plata, 25 February 1778 – Boulogne-sur-Mer, France, 17 August 1850), known simply as Josй de San Martнn or El Libertador of Argentina, Chile and Peru, was a Spanish-Argentine general and the prime leader of the southern and central parts of South America's successful struggle for independence from the Spanish Empire who served as the Protector of Peru. Born in Yapeyъ, Corrientes, in modern-day Argentina, he left his mother country at the early age of seven to study in Mбlaga, Spain.

шаг к бессмертию генерала Сан Мартина - Аргентина (Корриэнтес)

суббота 17 август, 2024
Светский праздник : Josй Francisco de San Martнn y Matorras (Yapeyъ, Viceroyalty of the Rio de la Plata, 25 February 1778 – Boulogne-sur-Mer, France, 17 August 1850), known simply as Josй de San Martнn or El Libertador of Argentina, Chile and Peru, was a Spanish-Argentine general and the prime leader of the southern and central parts of South America's successful struggle for independence from the Spanish Empire who served as the Protector of Peru. Born in Yapeyъ, Corrientes, in modern-day Argentina, he left his mother country at the early age of seven to study in Mбlaga, Spain.

шаг к бессмертию генерала Сан Мартина - Аргентина (Сан Хуан)

суббота 17 август, 2024
Светский праздник : Josй Francisco de San Martнn y Matorras (Yapeyъ, Viceroyalty of the Rio de la Plata, 25 February 1778 – Boulogne-sur-Mer, France, 17 August 1850), known simply as Josй de San Martнn or El Libertador of Argentina, Chile and Peru, was a Spanish-Argentine general and the prime leader of the southern and central parts of South America's successful struggle for independence from the Spanish Empire who served as the Protector of Peru. Born in Yapeyъ, Corrientes, in modern-day Argentina, he left his mother country at the early age of seven to study in Mбlaga, Spain.

шаг к бессмертию генерала Сан Мартина - Аргентина (Чако)

суббота 17 август, 2024
Светский праздник : Josй Francisco de San Martнn y Matorras (Yapeyъ, Viceroyalty of the Rio de la Plata, 25 February 1778 – Boulogne-sur-Mer, France, 17 August 1850), known simply as Josй de San Martнn or El Libertador of Argentina, Chile and Peru, was a Spanish-Argentine general and the prime leader of the southern and central parts of South America's successful struggle for independence from the Spanish Empire who served as the Protector of Peru. Born in Yapeyъ, Corrientes, in modern-day Argentina, he left his mother country at the early age of seven to study in Mбlaga, Spain.

шаг к бессмертию генерала Сан Мартина - Аргентина (Санта Круз)

суббота 17 август, 2024
Светский праздник : Josй Francisco de San Martнn y Matorras (Yapeyъ, Viceroyalty of the Rio de la Plata, 25 February 1778 – Boulogne-sur-Mer, France, 17 August 1850), known simply as Josй de San Martнn or El Libertador of Argentina, Chile and Peru, was a Spanish-Argentine general and the prime leader of the southern and central parts of South America's successful struggle for independence from the Spanish Empire who served as the Protector of Peru. Born in Yapeyъ, Corrientes, in modern-day Argentina, he left his mother country at the early age of seven to study in Mбlaga, Spain.

шаг к бессмертию генерала Сан Мартина - Аргентина (Чубут)

суббота 17 август, 2024
Светский праздник : Josй Francisco de San Martнn y Matorras (Yapeyъ, Viceroyalty of the Rio de la Plata, 25 February 1778 – Boulogne-sur-Mer, France, 17 August 1850), known simply as Josй de San Martнn or El Libertador of Argentina, Chile and Peru, was a Spanish-Argentine general and the prime leader of the southern and central parts of South America's successful struggle for independence from the Spanish Empire who served as the Protector of Peru. Born in Yapeyъ, Corrientes, in modern-day Argentina, he left his mother country at the early age of seven to study in Mбlaga, Spain.

шаг к бессмертию генерала Сан Мартина - Аргентина (Сантьяго дель Эстеро)

суббота 17 август, 2024
Светский праздник : Josй Francisco de San Martнn y Matorras (Yapeyъ, Viceroyalty of the Rio de la Plata, 25 February 1778 – Boulogne-sur-Mer, France, 17 August 1850), known simply as Josй de San Martнn or El Libertador of Argentina, Chile and Peru, was a Spanish-Argentine general and the prime leader of the southern and central parts of South America's successful struggle for independence from the Spanish Empire who served as the Protector of Peru. Born in Yapeyъ, Corrientes, in modern-day Argentina, he left his mother country at the early age of seven to study in Mбlaga, Spain.

шаг к бессмертию генерала Сан Мартина - Аргентина (Антр Риос)

суббота 17 август, 2024
Светский праздник : Josй Francisco de San Martнn y Matorras (Yapeyъ, Viceroyalty of the Rio de la Plata, 25 February 1778 – Boulogne-sur-Mer, France, 17 August 1850), known simply as Josй de San Martнn or El Libertador of Argentina, Chile and Peru, was a Spanish-Argentine general and the prime leader of the southern and central parts of South America's successful struggle for independence from the Spanish Empire who served as the Protector of Peru. Born in Yapeyъ, Corrientes, in modern-day Argentina, he left his mother country at the early age of seven to study in Mбlaga, Spain.

шаг к бессмертию генерала Сан Мартина - Аргентина (Тьерра дель Фуэго)

суббота 17 август, 2024
Светский праздник : Josй Francisco de San Martнn y Matorras (Yapeyъ, Viceroyalty of the Rio de la Plata, 25 February 1778 – Boulogne-sur-Mer, France, 17 August 1850), known simply as Josй de San Martнn or El Libertador of Argentina, Chile and Peru, was a Spanish-Argentine general and the prime leader of the southern and central parts of South America's successful struggle for independence from the Spanish Empire who served as the Protector of Peru. Born in Yapeyъ, Corrientes, in modern-day Argentina, he left his mother country at the early age of seven to study in Mбlaga, Spain.

День независимости - Габон

суббота 17 август, 2024
Светский праздник : Празднование обретение независимости от Франции в 1960. Праздник продолжается 3 дня.