Праздники и торжества по всему миру

полный календарь праздничных дней и нерабочих дней ведомств, банков и фондовых бирж, а также календари школьных каникул на следующие 3 месяца Sunday, апрель 8, 2024

понедельник 8 апрель, 2024linkСША (Keнтукки)Солнечное затмение
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понедельник 8 апрель, 2024linkКанада (Онтарио)Солнечное затмение
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понедельник 8 апрель, 2024linkМексика (Чиуауа)Солнечное затмение
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понедельник 8 апрель, 2024linkИспания (Валенция)региональный общественный праздник
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понедельник 8 апрель, 2024linkСША (Новый Гемпшир)праздник
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понедельник 8 апрель, 2024linkДоминикаРаскаяние и самоотверженность в день
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понедельник 8 апрель, 2024linkСаудовская фондовая биржаКонец Рамадана (может быть изменен на один день)r
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понедельник 8 апрель, 2024linkИндия (Пенджаб)Гуру Набха Дас
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понедельник 8 апрель, 2024linkБразилия (Эспирито-Санто)Государственный день
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понедельник 8 апрель, 2024linkБангладешфакультативный праздник
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понедельник 8 апрель, 2024linkСеверная Македония (Республика)факультативный праздник
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понедельник 8 апрель, 2024linkИран (Исламская Республика)Национальный день ядерных технологий
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понедельник 8 апрель, 2024linkСеверная Македония (Республика)Международный день цыган
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понедельник 8 апрель, 2024linkФинляндияМеждународный день цыган
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понедельник 8 апрель, 2024linkСША (Нью-Йорк)Солнечное затмение
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понедельник 8 апрель, 2024linkБразилия (Мато Гроссо)региональный общественный праздник
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понедельник 8 апрель, 2024linkСША (Texaс)Солнечное затмение
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понедельник 8 апрель, 2024linkДжорджияОсенний выходной
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понедельник 8 апрель, 2024linkКокосовые острова (о-ва Килинг)Акт о самоопределении (9607)
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понедельник 8 апрель, 2024linkИспания (Каталония)региональный общественный праздник
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понедельник 8 апрель, 2024linkМайоттфакультативный праздник
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понедельник 8 апрель, 2024linkКатарадминистрация офисы закрыты
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понедельник 8 апрель, 2024linkСоединенное Королевство (Англия)забастовка на железной дороге
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понедельник 8 апрель, 2024linkМексикаСолнечное затмение
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понедельник 8 апрель, 2024linkКанада (Нью Брансвик)Солнечное затмение
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понедельник 8 апрель, 2024linkСША (Арканзас)Солнечное затмение
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понедельник 8 апрель, 2024linkКанада (Квебек)Солнечное затмение
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понедельник 8 апрель, 2024linkСША (Иллинойс)Солнечное затмение
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понедельник 8 апрель, 2024linkСША (Иллинойс)Солнечное затмение
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понедельник 8 апрель, 2024linkСША (Индиана)Солнечное затмение
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понедельник 8 апрель, 2024linkСША (Миссури)Солнечное затмение
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понедельник 8 апрель, 2024linkСША (Миссури)Солнечное затмение
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понедельник 8 апрель, 2024linkСША (Oклахома)Солнечное затмение
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понедельник 8 апрель, 2024linkСША (Oклахома)Солнечное затмение
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понедельник 8 апрель, 2024linkИндия (Пенджаб)Банки остаются открытыми
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понедельник 8 апрель, 2024linkСША (Texaс)Солнечное затмение
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понедельник 8 апрель, 2024linkМозамбикЖенский День
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понедельник 8 апрель, 2024linkКанада (Онтарио)Солнечное затмение
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понедельник 8 апрель, 2024linkКиргизстанРАБОЧИЙ ДЕНЬ
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понедельник 8 апрель, 2024linkКанада (Квебек)Солнечное затмение
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понедельник 8 апрель, 2024linkИндияСухой день (без алкоголя)
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понедельник 8 апрель, 2024linkКанада (Ньфаундлэнд)Солнечное затмение
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понедельник 8 апрель, 2024linkСаудовская АравияКонец Рамадана (может быть перенесён на ближайший день)
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понедельник 8 апрель, 2024linkКанада (Нью Брансвик)Солнечное затмение
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понедельник 8 апрель, 2024linkОбъединенные Арабские Эмираты (ОАЭ)Конец Рамадана (может быть изменен на один день)
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понедельник 8 апрель, 2024linkСША (Йохо)Солнечное затмение
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понедельник 8 апрель, 2024linkНепалрегиональный общественный праздник
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понедельник 8 апрель, 2024linkТаиландПраздник Династии Шакри
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понедельник 8 апрель, 2024linkЙеменКонец Рамадана (может быть изменен на один день)
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понедельник 8 апрель, 2024linkСоединенное Королевство (Англия)Европейская торговая площадка путешествий
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понедельник 8 апрель, 2024linkКанада (Ньфаундлэнд)Солнечное затмение
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понедельник 8 апрель, 2024linkСША (Аляска)Джуно на Аляске фольклорный фестивальr
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понедельник 8 апрель, 2024linkКанада (острова принца Эдварда)Солнечное затмение
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понедельник 8 апрель, 2024linkКиргизстанДень Революции
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понедельник 8 апрель, 2024linkМексикаСолнечное затмение
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понедельник 8 апрель, 2024linkСША (Нью-Йорк)факультативный праздник
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понедельник 8 апрель, 2024linkСША (Арканзас)Солнечное затмение
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понедельник 8 апрель, 2024linkФондовая биржа ТаиландаПраздник Династии Шакри
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понедельник 8 апрель, 2024linkСША (Индиана)Солнечное затмение
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понедельник 8 апрель, 2024linkТогоТур по тогоr
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понедельник 8 апрель, 2024linkСША (Mэн)Солнечное затмение
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понедельник 8 апрель, 2024linkГвинеяШаб-э-Кадр (откровение Куран)
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понедельник 8 апрель, 2024linkСША (Новый Гемпшир)Солнечное затмение
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понедельник 8 апрель, 2024linkБахрейнКонец Рамадана (может быть изменен на один день)
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понедельник 8 апрель, 2024linkСША (Йохо)Солнечное затмение
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понедельник 8 апрель, 2024linkАргентинафакультативный праздник
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понедельник 8 апрель, 2024linkСША (Пенсильвания)Солнечное затмение
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понедельник 8 апрель, 2024linkБразилия (Сан-Паоло)факультативный праздник
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понедельник 8 апрель, 2024linkСША (Вермонт)Солнечное затмение
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понедельник 8 апрель, 2024linkИндонезийские фондовая биржаКонец Рамадана (может быть перенесён на ближайший день)
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понедельник 8 апрель, 2024linkМальдивыадминистрация офисы закрыты
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понедельник 8 апрель, 2024linkЦыгане, РумынияНациональный праздник
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Солнечное затмение - США (Keнтукки)

понедельник 8 апрель, 2024
Светский праздник :

Солнечное затмение - Канада (Онтарио)

понедельник 8 апрель, 2024
Светский праздник :

Солнечное затмение - Мексика (Чиуауа)

понедельник 8 апрель, 2024
Светский праздник :

региональный общественный праздник - Испания (Валенция)

понедельник 8 апрель, 2024
Светский праздник : Saint Vincent Ferrer in Valencia only

праздник - США (Новый Гемпшир)

понедельник 8 апрель, 2024
Светский праздник : Solar eclipse

Раскаяние и самоотверженность в день - Доминика

понедельник 8 апрель, 2024
Культура : Recently, the Dominican Government declared National Repentance and Dedication Day as a new public holiday to be celebrated annually. The holiday was proposed by the Dominica Association of Evangelical Churches and accepted by the Government, which recognized the need for a certain level of spiritual consciousness among Dominicans and of the need to work and pray together for Dominica's prosperity.
На главную

Конец Рамадана (может быть изменен на один день)r - Саудовская фондовая биржа

понедельник 8 апрель, 2024
финансовые учреждения : Https://www.saudiexchange.sa dates confirmed till Dec 2024

Гуру Набха Дас - Индия (Пенджаб)

понедельник 8 апрель, 2024
Индуизм :

Государственный день - Бразилия (Эспирито-Санто)

понедельник 8 апрель, 2024
Светский праздник :

факультативный праздник - Бангладеш

понедельник 8 апрель, 2024
Светский праздник : Sri Sri Harichand Thakur was born in 1812 at Safaldanga, Gopalgaunge. He experienced atmadarshan (self-realisation) and preached his ideologies and religious philosophy in twelve commandments. His followers consider him as God (Thakur) Harichand and as an avatar of Vishnu. [Wikipedia]
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факультативный праздник - Северная Македония (Республика)

понедельник 8 апрель, 2024
Светский праздник : Commemorates the First Rom World Congress in London in 1971. Marks the beginning of the first International Roma organization and the introduction of the name Rom (instead of Gypsy), and of the Romani anthem and flag, observed by the Roma community only
На главную

Национальный день ядерных технологий - Иран (Исламская Республика)

понедельник 8 апрель, 2024
Культура :
На главную

Международный день цыган - Северная Македония (Республика)

понедельник 8 апрель, 2024
Культура : Celebrated by the Roma community only

Международный день цыган - Финляндия

понедельник 8 апрель, 2024
Культура : Celebrated by the Roma community only

Солнечное затмение - США (Нью-Йорк)

понедельник 8 апрель, 2024
Светский праздник :

региональный общественный праздник - Бразилия (Мато Гроссо)

понедельник 8 апрель, 2024
Светский праздник : Anniversary of Cuiaba in Cuiaba only

Солнечное затмение - США (Texaс)

понедельник 8 апрель, 2024
Светский праздник :

Осенний выходной - Джорджия

понедельник 8 апрель, 2024
Светский праздник :

Акт о самоопределении (9607) - Кокосовые острова (о-ва Килинг)

понедельник 8 апрель, 2024
Светский праздник :

региональный общественный праздник - Испания (Каталония)

понедельник 8 апрель, 2024
Светский праздник : Second Monday after Easter Barcelona only
На главную

факультативный праздник - Майотт

понедельник 8 апрель, 2024
Ислам, Суфи : End of Ramadan

администрация офисы закрыты - Катар

понедельник 8 апрель, 2024
Светский праздник :
На главную

забастовка на железной дороге - Соединенное Королевство (Англия)

понедельник 8 апрель, 2024
Светский праздник : In London area

Солнечное затмение - Мексика

понедельник 8 апрель, 2024
Культура : After crossing the Pacific, the path of totality passes south of Mexico's Islas Revillagigedo; Isla Socorro will actually see a total eclipse, although it is somewhat north of the centreline. The eclipse then clips the Islas Marias, and hits the Mexican mainland just south of Mazatlбn, at 18:09 UT. Here, the path of totality is 199km wide, and the eclipse will last 4 minutes and 27 seconds. The maximum eclipse occurs at 18:17 UT, near Nazas, Durango. The total eclipse will last 4 minutes 28.1 seconds, and will be visible over a path 198 km wide. The path of totality then moves north-east through Sinaloa and Durango to Coahuila; Torreуn should see the total eclipse about 18:19 UT. The centre of the eclipse crosses the Mexico-US border at Piedras Negras / Eagle Pass, at 18:30 UT. The total eclipse at this point is still 4 minutes and 27 seconds on the centreline. The total eclipse then heads north-east across the USA, crossing Texas, the south-east corner of Oklahoma, and Arkansas. The centreline of totality will pass just south of Dallas at 18:42 UT, with the total eclipse still over 4 minutes 20 seconds on the centreline. At 18:51 UT, the eclipse will be just south of Nimrod Lake, Arkansas -- 21 years later, the total eclipse of August 12, 2045 crosses the same spot; part of the incredible USA eclipse bonanza. The centre passes just north of Little Rock, Arkansas, before crossing into Missouri; St. Louis is unlucky again, being just north of the eclipse path for the second time in 7 years at 18:59 UT. The eclipse then passes into southern Illinois; it passes just south of Carbondale at 19:01 UT, at which point the total eclipse will last 4 minutes 9 seconds on the centreline, and be visible over a path 186 km wide. This same spot saw a total eclipse just 7 years previously, on August 21, 2017. The eclipse path then crosses Indiana, with the centreline passing just south of Indianapolis at 19:08 UT; it then passes over Ohio, with the centreline passing over the waters of Lake Erie. The centreline will pass almost right over Buffalo, New York, at 19:20 UT; the eclipse duration is down to 3 minutes 45 seconds on the centreline, but that's still spectacular. With the path of totality still 178 km wide, Niagara Falls should see a good total eclipse. After crossing northern New York state, the centre of the eclipse clips Vermont and then passes briefly into Canada, before re-entering the USA in Maine, at 19:31 UT. The eclipse duration here is down to 3 minutes 27 seconds, but that's still a very long total eclipse. The eclipse path then crosses into New Brunswick, and clips the north of Prince Edward Island before passing right over the Magdalen Islands at 19:39 -- the centreline of totality will pass just north of Fatima, with the duration of the eclipse still over 3 minutes and the path width 167 km. http://www.hermit.org

Солнечное затмение - Канада (Нью Брансвик)

понедельник 8 апрель, 2024
Светский праздник :

Солнечное затмение - США (Арканзас)

понедельник 8 апрель, 2024
Культура : After crossing the Pacific, the path of totality passes south of Mexico's Islas Revillagigedo; Isla Socorro will actually see a total eclipse, although it is somewhat north of the centreline. The eclipse then clips the Islas Marias, and hits the Mexican mainland just south of Mazatlбn, at 18:09 UT. Here, the path of totality is 199km wide, and the eclipse will last 4 minutes and 27 seconds. The maximum eclipse occurs at 18:17 UT, near Nazas, Durango. The total eclipse will last 4 minutes 28.1 seconds, and will be visible over a path 198 km wide. The path of totality then moves north-east through Sinaloa and Durango to Coahuila; Torreуn should see the total eclipse about 18:19 UT. The centre of the eclipse crosses the Mexico-US border at Piedras Negras / Eagle Pass, at 18:30 UT. The total eclipse at this point is still 4 minutes and 27 seconds on the centreline. The total eclipse then heads north-east across the USA, crossing Texas, the south-east corner of Oklahoma, and Arkansas. The centreline of totality will pass just south of Dallas at 18:42 UT, with the total eclipse still over 4 minutes 20 seconds on the centreline. At 18:51 UT, the eclipse will be just south of Nimrod Lake, Arkansas -- 21 years later, the total eclipse of August 12, 2045 crosses the same spot; part of the incredible USA eclipse bonanza. The centre passes just north of Little Rock, Arkansas, before crossing into Missouri; St. Louis is unlucky again, being just north of the eclipse path for the second time in 7 years at 18:59 UT. The eclipse then passes into southern Illinois; it passes just south of Carbondale at 19:01 UT, at which point the total eclipse will last 4 minutes 9 seconds on the centreline, and be visible over a path 186 km wide. This same spot saw a total eclipse just 7 years previously, on August 21, 2017. The eclipse path then crosses Indiana, with the centreline passing just south of Indianapolis at 19:08 UT; it then passes over Ohio, with the centreline passing over the waters of Lake Erie. The centreline will pass almost right over Buffalo, New York, at 19:20 UT; the eclipse duration is down to 3 minutes 45 seconds on the centreline, but that's still spectacular. With the path of totality still 178 km wide, Niagara Falls should see a good total eclipse. After crossing northern New York state, the centre of the eclipse clips Vermont and then passes briefly into Canada, before re-entering the USA in Maine, at 19:31 UT. The eclipse duration here is down to 3 minutes 27 seconds, but that's still a very long total eclipse. The eclipse path then crosses into New Brunswick, and clips the north of Prince Edward Island before passing right over the Magdalen Islands at 19:39 -- the centreline of totality will pass just north of Fatima, with the duration of the eclipse still over 3 minutes and the path width 167 km. http://www.hermit.org

Солнечное затмение - Канада (Квебек)

понедельник 8 апрель, 2024
Светский праздник :

Солнечное затмение - США (Иллинойс)

понедельник 8 апрель, 2024
Культура : After crossing the Pacific, the path of totality passes south of Mexico's Islas Revillagigedo; Isla Socorro will actually see a total eclipse, although it is somewhat north of the centreline. The eclipse then clips the Islas Marias, and hits the Mexican mainland just south of Mazatlбn, at 18:09 UT. Here, the path of totality is 199km wide, and the eclipse will last 4 minutes and 27 seconds. The maximum eclipse occurs at 18:17 UT, near Nazas, Durango. The total eclipse will last 4 minutes 28.1 seconds, and will be visible over a path 198 km wide. The path of totality then moves north-east through Sinaloa and Durango to Coahuila; Torreуn should see the total eclipse about 18:19 UT. The centre of the eclipse crosses the Mexico-US border at Piedras Negras / Eagle Pass, at 18:30 UT. The total eclipse at this point is still 4 minutes and 27 seconds on the centreline. The total eclipse then heads north-east across the USA, crossing Texas, the south-east corner of Oklahoma, and Arkansas. The centreline of totality will pass just south of Dallas at 18:42 UT, with the total eclipse still over 4 minutes 20 seconds on the centreline. At 18:51 UT, the eclipse will be just south of Nimrod Lake, Arkansas -- 21 years later, the total eclipse of August 12, 2045 crosses the same spot; part of the incredible USA eclipse bonanza. The centre passes just north of Little Rock, Arkansas, before crossing into Missouri; St. Louis is unlucky again, being just north of the eclipse path for the second time in 7 years at 18:59 UT. The eclipse then passes into southern Illinois; it passes just south of Carbondale at 19:01 UT, at which point the total eclipse will last 4 minutes 9 seconds on the centreline, and be visible over a path 186 km wide. This same spot saw a total eclipse just 7 years previously, on August 21, 2017. The eclipse path then crosses Indiana, with the centreline passing just south of Indianapolis at 19:08 UT; it then passes over Ohio, with the centreline passing over the waters of Lake Erie. The centreline will pass almost right over Buffalo, New York, at 19:20 UT; the eclipse duration is down to 3 minutes 45 seconds on the centreline, but that's still spectacular. With the path of totality still 178 km wide, Niagara Falls should see a good total eclipse. After crossing northern New York state, the centre of the eclipse clips Vermont and then passes briefly into Canada, before re-entering the USA in Maine, at 19:31 UT. The eclipse duration here is down to 3 minutes 27 seconds, but that's still a very long total eclipse. The eclipse path then crosses into New Brunswick, and clips the north of Prince Edward Island before passing right over the Magdalen Islands at 19:39 -- the centreline of totality will pass just north of Fatima, with the duration of the eclipse still over 3 minutes and the path width 167 km. http://www.hermit.org

Солнечное затмение - США (Иллинойс)

понедельник 8 апрель, 2024
Светский праздник :

Солнечное затмение - США (Индиана)

понедельник 8 апрель, 2024
Культура : After crossing the Pacific, the path of totality passes south of Mexico's Islas Revillagigedo; Isla Socorro will actually see a total eclipse, although it is somewhat north of the centreline. The eclipse then clips the Islas Marias, and hits the Mexican mainland just south of Mazatlбn, at 18:09 UT. Here, the path of totality is 199km wide, and the eclipse will last 4 minutes and 27 seconds. The maximum eclipse occurs at 18:17 UT, near Nazas, Durango. The total eclipse will last 4 minutes 28.1 seconds, and will be visible over a path 198 km wide. The path of totality then moves north-east through Sinaloa and Durango to Coahuila; Torreуn should see the total eclipse about 18:19 UT. The centre of the eclipse crosses the Mexico-US border at Piedras Negras / Eagle Pass, at 18:30 UT. The total eclipse at this point is still 4 minutes and 27 seconds on the centreline. The total eclipse then heads north-east across the USA, crossing Texas, the south-east corner of Oklahoma, and Arkansas. The centreline of totality will pass just south of Dallas at 18:42 UT, with the total eclipse still over 4 minutes 20 seconds on the centreline. At 18:51 UT, the eclipse will be just south of Nimrod Lake, Arkansas -- 21 years later, the total eclipse of August 12, 2045 crosses the same spot; part of the incredible USA eclipse bonanza. The centre passes just north of Little Rock, Arkansas, before crossing into Missouri; St. Louis is unlucky again, being just north of the eclipse path for the second time in 7 years at 18:59 UT. The eclipse then passes into southern Illinois; it passes just south of Carbondale at 19:01 UT, at which point the total eclipse will last 4 minutes 9 seconds on the centreline, and be visible over a path 186 km wide. This same spot saw a total eclipse just 7 years previously, on August 21, 2017. The eclipse path then crosses Indiana, with the centreline passing just south of Indianapolis at 19:08 UT; it then passes over Ohio, with the centreline passing over the waters of Lake Erie. The centreline will pass almost right over Buffalo, New York, at 19:20 UT; the eclipse duration is down to 3 minutes 45 seconds on the centreline, but that's still spectacular. With the path of totality still 178 km wide, Niagara Falls should see a good total eclipse. After crossing northern New York state, the centre of the eclipse clips Vermont and then passes briefly into Canada, before re-entering the USA in Maine, at 19:31 UT. The eclipse duration here is down to 3 minutes 27 seconds, but that's still a very long total eclipse. The eclipse path then crosses into New Brunswick, and clips the north of Prince Edward Island before passing right over the Magdalen Islands at 19:39 -- the centreline of totality will pass just north of Fatima, with the duration of the eclipse still over 3 minutes and the path width 167 km. http://www.hermit.org

Солнечное затмение - США (Миссури)

понедельник 8 апрель, 2024
Светский праздник :

Солнечное затмение - США (Миссури)

понедельник 8 апрель, 2024
Культура : After crossing the Pacific, the path of totality passes south of Mexico's Islas Revillagigedo; Isla Socorro will actually see a total eclipse, although it is somewhat north of the centreline. The eclipse then clips the Islas Marias, and hits the Mexican mainland just south of Mazatlбn, at 18:09 UT. Here, the path of totality is 199km wide, and the eclipse will last 4 minutes and 27 seconds. The maximum eclipse occurs at 18:17 UT, near Nazas, Durango. The total eclipse will last 4 minutes 28.1 seconds, and will be visible over a path 198 km wide. The path of totality then moves north-east through Sinaloa and Durango to Coahuila; Torreуn should see the total eclipse about 18:19 UT. The centre of the eclipse crosses the Mexico-US border at Piedras Negras / Eagle Pass, at 18:30 UT. The total eclipse at this point is still 4 minutes and 27 seconds on the centreline. The total eclipse then heads north-east across the USA, crossing Texas, the south-east corner of Oklahoma, and Arkansas. The centreline of totality will pass just south of Dallas at 18:42 UT, with the total eclipse still over 4 minutes 20 seconds on the centreline. At 18:51 UT, the eclipse will be just south of Nimrod Lake, Arkansas -- 21 years later, the total eclipse of August 12, 2045 crosses the same spot; part of the incredible USA eclipse bonanza. The centre passes just north of Little Rock, Arkansas, before crossing into Missouri; St. Louis is unlucky again, being just north of the eclipse path for the second time in 7 years at 18:59 UT. The eclipse then passes into southern Illinois; it passes just south of Carbondale at 19:01 UT, at which point the total eclipse will last 4 minutes 9 seconds on the centreline, and be visible over a path 186 km wide. This same spot saw a total eclipse just 7 years previously, on August 21, 2017. The eclipse path then crosses Indiana, with the centreline passing just south of Indianapolis at 19:08 UT; it then passes over Ohio, with the centreline passing over the waters of Lake Erie. The centreline will pass almost right over Buffalo, New York, at 19:20 UT; the eclipse duration is down to 3 minutes 45 seconds on the centreline, but that's still spectacular. With the path of totality still 178 km wide, Niagara Falls should see a good total eclipse. After crossing northern New York state, the centre of the eclipse clips Vermont and then passes briefly into Canada, before re-entering the USA in Maine, at 19:31 UT. The eclipse duration here is down to 3 minutes 27 seconds, but that's still a very long total eclipse. The eclipse path then crosses into New Brunswick, and clips the north of Prince Edward Island before passing right over the Magdalen Islands at 19:39 -- the centreline of totality will pass just north of Fatima, with the duration of the eclipse still over 3 minutes and the path width 167 km. http://www.hermit.org

Солнечное затмение - США (Oклахома)

понедельник 8 апрель, 2024
Светский праздник :

Солнечное затмение - США (Oклахома)

понедельник 8 апрель, 2024
Культура : After crossing the Pacific, the path of totality passes south of Mexico's Islas Revillagigedo; Isla Socorro will actually see a total eclipse, although it is somewhat north of the centreline. The eclipse then clips the Islas Marias, and hits the Mexican mainland just south of Mazatlбn, at 18:09 UT. Here, the path of totality is 199km wide, and the eclipse will last 4 minutes and 27 seconds. The maximum eclipse occurs at 18:17 UT, near Nazas, Durango. The total eclipse will last 4 minutes 28.1 seconds, and will be visible over a path 198 km wide. The path of totality then moves north-east through Sinaloa and Durango to Coahuila; Torreуn should see the total eclipse about 18:19 UT. The centre of the eclipse crosses the Mexico-US border at Piedras Negras / Eagle Pass, at 18:30 UT. The total eclipse at this point is still 4 minutes and 27 seconds on the centreline. The total eclipse then heads north-east across the USA, crossing Texas, the south-east corner of Oklahoma, and Arkansas. The centreline of totality will pass just south of Dallas at 18:42 UT, with the total eclipse still over 4 minutes 20 seconds on the centreline. At 18:51 UT, the eclipse will be just south of Nimrod Lake, Arkansas -- 21 years later, the total eclipse of August 12, 2045 crosses the same spot; part of the incredible USA eclipse bonanza. The centre passes just north of Little Rock, Arkansas, before crossing into Missouri; St. Louis is unlucky again, being just north of the eclipse path for the second time in 7 years at 18:59 UT. The eclipse then passes into southern Illinois; it passes just south of Carbondale at 19:01 UT, at which point the total eclipse will last 4 minutes 9 seconds on the centreline, and be visible over a path 186 km wide. This same spot saw a total eclipse just 7 years previously, on August 21, 2017. The eclipse path then crosses Indiana, with the centreline passing just south of Indianapolis at 19:08 UT; it then passes over Ohio, with the centreline passing over the waters of Lake Erie. The centreline will pass almost right over Buffalo, New York, at 19:20 UT; the eclipse duration is down to 3 minutes 45 seconds on the centreline, but that's still spectacular. With the path of totality still 178 km wide, Niagara Falls should see a good total eclipse. After crossing northern New York state, the centre of the eclipse clips Vermont and then passes briefly into Canada, before re-entering the USA in Maine, at 19:31 UT. The eclipse duration here is down to 3 minutes 27 seconds, but that's still a very long total eclipse. The eclipse path then crosses into New Brunswick, and clips the north of Prince Edward Island before passing right over the Magdalen Islands at 19:39 -- the centreline of totality will pass just north of Fatima, with the duration of the eclipse still over 3 minutes and the path width 167 km. http://www.hermit.org

Банки остаются открытыми - Индия (Пенджаб)

понедельник 8 апрель, 2024
только банки :

Солнечное затмение - США (Texaс)

понедельник 8 апрель, 2024
Культура : After crossing the Pacific, the path of totality passes south of Mexico's Islas Revillagigedo; Isla Socorro will actually see a total eclipse, although it is somewhat north of the centreline. The eclipse then clips the Islas Marias, and hits the Mexican mainland just south of Mazatlбn, at 18:09 UT. Here, the path of totality is 199km wide, and the eclipse will last 4 minutes and 27 seconds. The maximum eclipse occurs at 18:17 UT, near Nazas, Durango. The total eclipse will last 4 minutes 28.1 seconds, and will be visible over a path 198 km wide. The path of totality then moves north-east through Sinaloa and Durango to Coahuila; Torreуn should see the total eclipse about 18:19 UT. The centre of the eclipse crosses the Mexico-US border at Piedras Negras / Eagle Pass, at 18:30 UT. The total eclipse at this point is still 4 minutes and 27 seconds on the centreline. The total eclipse then heads north-east across the USA, crossing Texas, the south-east corner of Oklahoma, and Arkansas. The centreline of totality will pass just south of Dallas at 18:42 UT, with the total eclipse still over 4 minutes 20 seconds on the centreline. At 18:51 UT, the eclipse will be just south of Nimrod Lake, Arkansas -- 21 years later, the total eclipse of August 12, 2045 crosses the same spot; part of the incredible USA eclipse bonanza. The centre passes just north of Little Rock, Arkansas, before crossing into Missouri; St. Louis is unlucky again, being just north of the eclipse path for the second time in 7 years at 18:59 UT. The eclipse then passes into southern Illinois; it passes just south of Carbondale at 19:01 UT, at which point the total eclipse will last 4 minutes 9 seconds on the centreline, and be visible over a path 186 km wide. This same spot saw a total eclipse just 7 years previously, on August 21, 2017. The eclipse path then crosses Indiana, with the centreline passing just south of Indianapolis at 19:08 UT; it then passes over Ohio, with the centreline passing over the waters of Lake Erie. The centreline will pass almost right over Buffalo, New York, at 19:20 UT; the eclipse duration is down to 3 minutes 45 seconds on the centreline, but that's still spectacular. With the path of totality still 178 km wide, Niagara Falls should see a good total eclipse. After crossing northern New York state, the centre of the eclipse clips Vermont and then passes briefly into Canada, before re-entering the USA in Maine, at 19:31 UT. The eclipse duration here is down to 3 minutes 27 seconds, but that's still a very long total eclipse. The eclipse path then crosses into New Brunswick, and clips the north of Prince Edward Island before passing right over the Magdalen Islands at 19:39 -- the centreline of totality will pass just north of Fatima, with the duration of the eclipse still over 3 minutes and the path width 167 km. http://www.hermit.org

Женский День - Мозамбик

понедельник 8 апрель, 2024
Светский праздник : Paid holiday when falling on Saturday or Sunday

Солнечное затмение - Канада (Онтарио)

понедельник 8 апрель, 2024
Культура : After crossing the Pacific, the path of totality passes south of Mexico's Islas Revillagigedo; Isla Socorro will actually see a total eclipse, although it is somewhat north of the centreline. The eclipse then clips the Islas Marias, and hits the Mexican mainland just south of Mazatlбn, at 18:09 UT. Here, the path of totality is 199km wide, and the eclipse will last 4 minutes and 27 seconds. The maximum eclipse occurs at 18:17 UT, near Nazas, Durango. The total eclipse will last 4 minutes 28.1 seconds, and will be visible over a path 198 km wide. The path of totality then moves north-east through Sinaloa and Durango to Coahuila; Torreуn should see the total eclipse about 18:19 UT. The centre of the eclipse crosses the Mexico-US border at Piedras Negras / Eagle Pass, at 18:30 UT. The total eclipse at this point is still 4 minutes and 27 seconds on the centreline. The total eclipse then heads north-east across the USA, crossing Texas, the south-east corner of Oklahoma, and Arkansas. The centreline of totality will pass just south of Dallas at 18:42 UT, with the total eclipse still over 4 minutes 20 seconds on the centreline. At 18:51 UT, the eclipse will be just south of Nimrod Lake, Arkansas -- 21 years later, the total eclipse of August 12, 2045 crosses the same spot; part of the incredible USA eclipse bonanza. The centre passes just north of Little Rock, Arkansas, before crossing into Missouri; St. Louis is unlucky again, being just north of the eclipse path for the second time in 7 years at 18:59 UT. The eclipse then passes into southern Illinois; it passes just south of Carbondale at 19:01 UT, at which point the total eclipse will last 4 minutes 9 seconds on the centreline, and be visible over a path 186 km wide. This same spot saw a total eclipse just 7 years previously, on August 21, 2017. The eclipse path then crosses Indiana, with the centreline passing just south of Indianapolis at 19:08 UT; it then passes over Ohio, with the centreline passing over the waters of Lake Erie. The centreline will pass almost right over Buffalo, New York, at 19:20 UT; the eclipse duration is down to 3 minutes 45 seconds on the centreline, but that's still spectacular. With the path of totality still 178 km wide, Niagara Falls should see a good total eclipse. After crossing northern New York state, the centre of the eclipse clips Vermont and then passes briefly into Canada, before re-entering the USA in Maine, at 19:31 UT. The eclipse duration here is down to 3 minutes 27 seconds, but that's still a very long total eclipse. The eclipse path then crosses into New Brunswick, and clips the north of Prince Edward Island before passing right over the Magdalen Islands at 19:39 -- the centreline of totality will pass just north of Fatima, with the duration of the eclipse still over 3 minutes and the path width 167 km. http://www.hermit.org

РАБОЧИЙ ДЕНЬ - Киргизстан

понедельник 8 апрель, 2024
Светский праздник :

Солнечное затмение - Канада (Квебек)

понедельник 8 апрель, 2024
Культура : After crossing the Pacific, the path of totality passes south of Mexico's Islas Revillagigedo; Isla Socorro will actually see a total eclipse, although it is somewhat north of the centreline. The eclipse then clips the Islas Marias, and hits the Mexican mainland just south of Mazatlбn, at 18:09 UT. Here, the path of totality is 199km wide, and the eclipse will last 4 minutes and 27 seconds. The maximum eclipse occurs at 18:17 UT, near Nazas, Durango. The total eclipse will last 4 minutes 28.1 seconds, and will be visible over a path 198 km wide. The path of totality then moves north-east through Sinaloa and Durango to Coahuila; Torreуn should see the total eclipse about 18:19 UT. The centre of the eclipse crosses the Mexico-US border at Piedras Negras / Eagle Pass, at 18:30 UT. The total eclipse at this point is still 4 minutes and 27 seconds on the centreline. The total eclipse then heads north-east across the USA, crossing Texas, the south-east corner of Oklahoma, and Arkansas. The centreline of totality will pass just south of Dallas at 18:42 UT, with the total eclipse still over 4 minutes 20 seconds on the centreline. At 18:51 UT, the eclipse will be just south of Nimrod Lake, Arkansas -- 21 years later, the total eclipse of August 12, 2045 crosses the same spot; part of the incredible USA eclipse bonanza. The centre passes just north of Little Rock, Arkansas, before crossing into Missouri; St. Louis is unlucky again, being just north of the eclipse path for the second time in 7 years at 18:59 UT. The eclipse then passes into southern Illinois; it passes just south of Carbondale at 19:01 UT, at which point the total eclipse will last 4 minutes 9 seconds on the centreline, and be visible over a path 186 km wide. This same spot saw a total eclipse just 7 years previously, on August 21, 2017. The eclipse path then crosses Indiana, with the centreline passing just south of Indianapolis at 19:08 UT; it then passes over Ohio, with the centreline passing over the waters of Lake Erie. The centreline will pass almost right over Buffalo, New York, at 19:20 UT; the eclipse duration is down to 3 minutes 45 seconds on the centreline, but that's still spectacular. With the path of totality still 178 km wide, Niagara Falls should see a good total eclipse. After crossing northern New York state, the centre of the eclipse clips Vermont and then passes briefly into Canada, before re-entering the USA in Maine, at 19:31 UT. The eclipse duration here is down to 3 minutes 27 seconds, but that's still a very long total eclipse. The eclipse path then crosses into New Brunswick, and clips the north of Prince Edward Island before passing right over the Magdalen Islands at 19:39 -- the centreline of totality will pass just north of Fatima, with the duration of the eclipse still over 3 minutes and the path width 167 km. http://www.hermit.org

Сухой день (без алкоголя) - Индия

понедельник 8 апрель, 2024
исключительные события :

Солнечное затмение - Канада (Ньфаундлэнд)

понедельник 8 апрель, 2024
Культура : After crossing the Pacific, the path of totality passes south of Mexico's Islas Revillagigedo; Isla Socorro will actually see a total eclipse, although it is somewhat north of the centreline. The eclipse then clips the Islas Marias, and hits the Mexican mainland just south of Mazatlбn, at 18:09 UT. Here, the path of totality is 199km wide, and the eclipse will last 4 minutes and 27 seconds. The maximum eclipse occurs at 18:17 UT, near Nazas, Durango. The total eclipse will last 4 minutes 28.1 seconds, and will be visible over a path 198 km wide. The path of totality then moves north-east through Sinaloa and Durango to Coahuila; Torreуn should see the total eclipse about 18:19 UT. The centre of the eclipse crosses the Mexico-US border at Piedras Negras / Eagle Pass, at 18:30 UT. The total eclipse at this point is still 4 minutes and 27 seconds on the centreline. The total eclipse then heads north-east across the USA, crossing Texas, the south-east corner of Oklahoma, and Arkansas. The centreline of totality will pass just south of Dallas at 18:42 UT, with the total eclipse still over 4 minutes 20 seconds on the centreline. At 18:51 UT, the eclipse will be just south of Nimrod Lake, Arkansas -- 21 years later, the total eclipse of August 12, 2045 crosses the same spot; part of the incredible USA eclipse bonanza. The centre passes just north of Little Rock, Arkansas, before crossing into Missouri; St. Louis is unlucky again, being just north of the eclipse path for the second time in 7 years at 18:59 UT. The eclipse then passes into southern Illinois; it passes just south of Carbondale at 19:01 UT, at which point the total eclipse will last 4 minutes 9 seconds on the centreline, and be visible over a path 186 km wide. This same spot saw a total eclipse just 7 years previously, on August 21, 2017. The eclipse path then crosses Indiana, with the centreline passing just south of Indianapolis at 19:08 UT; it then passes over Ohio, with the centreline passing over the waters of Lake Erie. The centreline will pass almost right over Buffalo, New York, at 19:20 UT; the eclipse duration is down to 3 minutes 45 seconds on the centreline, but that's still spectacular. With the path of totality still 178 km wide, Niagara Falls should see a good total eclipse. After crossing northern New York state, the centre of the eclipse clips Vermont and then passes briefly into Canada, before re-entering the USA in Maine, at 19:31 UT. The eclipse duration here is down to 3 minutes 27 seconds, but that's still a very long total eclipse. The eclipse path then crosses into New Brunswick, and clips the north of Prince Edward Island before passing right over the Magdalen Islands at 19:39 -- the centreline of totality will pass just north of Fatima, with the duration of the eclipse still over 3 minutes and the path width 167 km. http://www.hermit.org

Конец Рамадана (может быть перенесён на ближайший день) - Саудовская Аравия

понедельник 8 апрель, 2024
Ислам, Суфи :

Солнечное затмение - Канада (Нью Брансвик)

понедельник 8 апрель, 2024
Культура : After crossing the Pacific, the path of totality passes south of Mexico's Islas Revillagigedo; Isla Socorro will actually see a total eclipse, although it is somewhat north of the centreline. The eclipse then clips the Islas Marias, and hits the Mexican mainland just south of Mazatlбn, at 18:09 UT. Here, the path of totality is 199km wide, and the eclipse will last 4 minutes and 27 seconds. The maximum eclipse occurs at 18:17 UT, near Nazas, Durango. The total eclipse will last 4 minutes 28.1 seconds, and will be visible over a path 198 km wide. The path of totality then moves north-east through Sinaloa and Durango to Coahuila; Torreуn should see the total eclipse about 18:19 UT. The centre of the eclipse crosses the Mexico-US border at Piedras Negras / Eagle Pass, at 18:30 UT. The total eclipse at this point is still 4 minutes and 27 seconds on the centreline. The total eclipse then heads north-east across the USA, crossing Texas, the south-east corner of Oklahoma, and Arkansas. The centreline of totality will pass just south of Dallas at 18:42 UT, with the total eclipse still over 4 minutes 20 seconds on the centreline. At 18:51 UT, the eclipse will be just south of Nimrod Lake, Arkansas -- 21 years later, the total eclipse of August 12, 2045 crosses the same spot; part of the incredible USA eclipse bonanza. The centre passes just north of Little Rock, Arkansas, before crossing into Missouri; St. Louis is unlucky again, being just north of the eclipse path for the second time in 7 years at 18:59 UT. The eclipse then passes into southern Illinois; it passes just south of Carbondale at 19:01 UT, at which point the total eclipse will last 4 minutes 9 seconds on the centreline, and be visible over a path 186 km wide. This same spot saw a total eclipse just 7 years previously, on August 21, 2017. The eclipse path then crosses Indiana, with the centreline passing just south of Indianapolis at 19:08 UT; it then passes over Ohio, with the centreline passing over the waters of Lake Erie. The centreline will pass almost right over Buffalo, New York, at 19:20 UT; the eclipse duration is down to 3 minutes 45 seconds on the centreline, but that's still spectacular. With the path of totality still 178 km wide, Niagara Falls should see a good total eclipse. After crossing northern New York state, the centre of the eclipse clips Vermont and then passes briefly into Canada, before re-entering the USA in Maine, at 19:31 UT. The eclipse duration here is down to 3 minutes 27 seconds, but that's still a very long total eclipse. The eclipse path then crosses into New Brunswick, and clips the north of Prince Edward Island before passing right over the Magdalen Islands at 19:39 -- the centreline of totality will pass just north of Fatima, with the duration of the eclipse still over 3 minutes and the path width 167 km. http://www.hermit.org

Конец Рамадана (может быть изменен на один день) - Объединенные Арабские Эмираты (ОАЭ)

понедельник 8 апрель, 2024
Ислам, Суфи :

Солнечное затмение - США (Йохо)

понедельник 8 апрель, 2024
Культура : After crossing the Pacific, the path of totality passes south of Mexico's Islas Revillagigedo; Isla Socorro will actually see a total eclipse, although it is somewhat north of the centreline. The eclipse then clips the Islas Marias, and hits the Mexican mainland just south of Mazatlбn, at 18:09 UT. Here, the path of totality is 199km wide, and the eclipse will last 4 minutes and 27 seconds. The maximum eclipse occurs at 18:17 UT, near Nazas, Durango. The total eclipse will last 4 minutes 28.1 seconds, and will be visible over a path 198 km wide. The path of totality then moves north-east through Sinaloa and Durango to Coahuila; Torreуn should see the total eclipse about 18:19 UT. The centre of the eclipse crosses the Mexico-US border at Piedras Negras / Eagle Pass, at 18:30 UT. The total eclipse at this point is still 4 minutes and 27 seconds on the centreline. The total eclipse then heads north-east across the USA, crossing Texas, the south-east corner of Oklahoma, and Arkansas. The centreline of totality will pass just south of Dallas at 18:42 UT, with the total eclipse still over 4 minutes 20 seconds on the centreline. At 18:51 UT, the eclipse will be just south of Nimrod Lake, Arkansas -- 21 years later, the total eclipse of August 12, 2045 crosses the same spot; part of the incredible USA eclipse bonanza. The centre passes just north of Little Rock, Arkansas, before crossing into Missouri; St. Louis is unlucky again, being just north of the eclipse path for the second time in 7 years at 18:59 UT. The eclipse then passes into southern Illinois; it passes just south of Carbondale at 19:01 UT, at which point the total eclipse will last 4 minutes 9 seconds on the centreline, and be visible over a path 186 km wide. This same spot saw a total eclipse just 7 years previously, on August 21, 2017. The eclipse path then crosses Indiana, with the centreline passing just south of Indianapolis at 19:08 UT; it then passes over Ohio, with the centreline passing over the waters of Lake Erie. The centreline will pass almost right over Buffalo, New York, at 19:20 UT; the eclipse duration is down to 3 minutes 45 seconds on the centreline, but that's still spectacular. With the path of totality still 178 km wide, Niagara Falls should see a good total eclipse. After crossing northern New York state, the centre of the eclipse clips Vermont and then passes briefly into Canada, before re-entering the USA in Maine, at 19:31 UT. The eclipse duration here is down to 3 minutes 27 seconds, but that's still a very long total eclipse. The eclipse path then crosses into New Brunswick, and clips the north of Prince Edward Island before passing right over the Magdalen Islands at 19:39 -- the centreline of totality will pass just north of Fatima, with the duration of the eclipse still over 3 minutes and the path width 167 km. http://www.hermit.org

региональный общественный праздник - Непал

понедельник 8 апрель, 2024
Ѕуддизм (Тхеравады) : Ghodejatra Kathmandu Valley only

Праздник Династии Шакри - Таиланд

понедельник 8 апрель, 2024
Светский праздник : отдают почести королю Раме I, первому королю династии, установившему Бангкок столицей в 1782 году.

Конец Рамадана (может быть изменен на один день) - Йемен

понедельник 8 апрель, 2024
Ислам, Суфи :
На главную

Европейская торговая площадка путешествий - Соединенное Королевство (Англия)

понедельник 8 апрель, 2024
Выставки : Https://portal.etoa.org lasts 2 days -- in London 2024 edition confirmed

Солнечное затмение - Канада (Ньфаундлэнд)

понедельник 8 апрель, 2024
Светский праздник :

Джуно на Аляске фольклорный фестивальr - США (Аляска)

понедельник 8 апрель, 2024
Культура : Http://akfolkfest.org lasts 7 days - 2024 edition confirmed

Солнечное затмение - Канада (острова принца Эдварда)

понедельник 8 апрель, 2024
Светский праздник :

День Революции - Киргизстан

понедельник 8 апрель, 2024
Светский праздник : Marks the 2010 revolution that swept Kurmanbek Bakiyev from power and made way for the presidency of Almazbek Atambayev. On April 7, 2010, mass antigovernment protests in Bishkek turned violent, with nearly 100 people killed by security forces. (from 2016) Not a paid holiday when falling on Saturday or Sunday

Солнечное затмение - Мексика

понедельник 8 апрель, 2024
Светский праздник :

факультативный праздник - США (Нью-Йорк)

понедельник 8 апрель, 2024
Ислам, Суфи : End of Ramadan (may be changed to the nearest day)

Солнечное затмение - США (Арканзас)

понедельник 8 апрель, 2024
Светский праздник :
На главную

Праздник Династии Шакри - Фондовая биржа Таиланда

понедельник 8 апрель, 2024
финансовые учреждения :

Солнечное затмение - США (Индиана)

понедельник 8 апрель, 2024
Светский праздник :

Тур по тогоr - Того

понедельник 8 апрель, 2024
спортивный : Lasts 1 week 2024 edition NOT confirmed

Солнечное затмение - США (Mэн)

понедельник 8 апрель, 2024
Светский праздник :

Шаб-э-Кадр (откровение Куран) - Гвинея

понедельник 8 апрель, 2024
Ислам, Суфи :

Солнечное затмение - США (Новый Гемпшир)

понедельник 8 апрель, 2024
Светский праздник :

Конец Рамадана (может быть изменен на один день) - Бахрейн

понедельник 8 апрель, 2024
Ислам, Суфи :

Солнечное затмение - США (Йохо)

понедельник 8 апрель, 2024
Светский праздник :

факультативный праздник - Аргентина

понедельник 8 апрель, 2024
Ислам, Суфи : End of Ramadan for the Muslim community only

Солнечное затмение - США (Пенсильвания)

понедельник 8 апрель, 2024
Светский праздник :

факультативный праздник - Бразилия (Сан-Паоло)

понедельник 8 апрель, 2024
Ислам, Суфи : End of Ramadan for the Muslim community only

Солнечное затмение - США (Вермонт)

понедельник 8 апрель, 2024
Светский праздник :
На главную

Конец Рамадана (может быть перенесён на ближайший день) - Индонезийские фондовая биржа

понедельник 8 апрель, 2024
финансовые учреждения :

администрация офисы закрыты - Мальдивы

понедельник 8 апрель, 2024
Светский праздник :
На главную

Национальный праздник - Цыгане, Румыния

понедельник 8 апрель, 2024
Светский праздник : Commemorates the First Rom World Congress in London in 1971. Marks the beginning of the first International Roma organization and the introduction of the name Rom (instead of Gypsy), and of the Romani anthem and flag,